PANGOTEST Test your Laser Operator safety knowledge Do you want to study up first?Click here to watch the instructional video! Name Email Phone Company What distances can you mount lasers from accessible areas? 1 Meter from the floor, 2 Meters from the side 4 Meters from the floor, 3 Meters from the side 1 Meter from the floor, .5 Meters from the side 3 Meters from the floor, 2.5 Meters from the side None What is the manual reset switch? A power switch that needs operator input if power is lost The Main Power Switch A power switch controlled by software The Main power switch controlled by face ID None True or False, you must complete a safety checklist for each show you do. True False None When setting up zones for a new show, its safest to: Use a previous operators zones Use one zone only Create a new zone file for each show Use default zones that came with your software None Which of these is not a label found on a laser projector? Corrosive materials label Logo Type Label Aperture label Variance Information None When operating a terminated show outdoors, what is the maximum altitude the lasers can enter in the USA? 300 Feet 400 Feet 600 Feet 500 Feet None What regulatory authority manages lasers in the USA? FCC FDA FAA HUD None During the show, what is not a responsibility of the operator? Know where your laser content is going View all termination points Be ready to press the estop Bring beers None Which of these is not a step to safe crowd scanning in the USA? Laser Safety Officer Training Safety Scan Lenses Pass integration in your projector Disco scan lens None When do you mask your zones? After mounting the projector Before mounting the projector After your safety checklist Once zoning is complete None Which of the following should not be used when mounting a projector? Safety Cable Ratchet Strap Zip Ties Lighting Clamp None The estop is what kind of closure? Radio Closure Digital Closure Contact Closure Mechanical Closure None True for false, The operator must be able to see all termination points at the estop. False True None Why does the laser projector have a key? To lock the inside of the projector from entry To secure connectors in place To lock out criminals To make sure only the proper operator can use the laser None True or False, You can use balcony edges to zone as long as you use a little as possible. False True None Time's up